The year 2023 is marked by lots of hard trials, demonstrations and international exhibitions with our partners.

Day held by EGO Zlin company on 15th of June 2023

The Industry Day held by EGO Zlin company on 15th of June 2023 directly in their training academy together with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Czech republic have tried to open a new informal space and dialog between health-care products companies and military health service representatives, to find their needs and to rise common awareness of the new approaches and products. 

The ZETOR Engineering and UNMANNED SOLUTIONS jointly presented during life demonstrations the ATV Gerlach 4×4 and UGV S-1 B.U.G. system, with its unique and universal capabilities, here as a casualty evacuation and combat health care solution.

Lives of our soldiers is the most valued commodity in the battle field…

Great Thanks to EGO Zlin! https://www.egozlin.cz/en/

IDET 2023 - Brno, CZ, display & demonstrations.

A new system UGV S-1 B.U.G. - Battle Utility Ground system, together with ATV Zetor GERLACH 4x4 as a unique Joint vehicle system.

Field trials of cross - country maneuverability

Spring 2022 Demonstrations and Trials of S-1 Demo

S – 1 Technology Demonstrator
on NATO EOD Demonstrations & Trials 2021

When our Heroes need help


and unmanned autonomous systems helps

Dirty jobs…Only few can imagine how many jobs around the world are dirty and mucky but needs to be done to keep our world running. Mine exploration, sewer reconnaissance and cleaning, waste reclamation….

Dull service duties…Many servicemen and women are put to enormous workload throughout their carriers, spending hours and hours performing monotonous activities. Their skills could be used elsewhere; they could help and save lives…

Dangerous situations…Explosives, military operations, space exploration, nuclear disasters…The list of the most dangerous situations where our civilization could employ our men and women is long…

3-D Principle is our Instruction


Robot DOES NOT hesitate to deal the dirt. DOES NOT fall asleep during watch duty.  DOES NOT fear the danger.  The Robot just simply DOES the job.